Induction of Labor A brief on what induction of labor includes so you have a starting point of what to look into to ensure you make an informed decision for yourself and your baby. The video covers:-Ways to induce-Risks of induction-Medical reasons for induction-How labor starts naturally-Things to be aware of when agreeing to […]
Category: Uncategorized
Cord Clamping & Birth Physiology
When is the optimal time for cord clamping and what happens with the cord blood? Understand how a baby first takes a breath! The first half of this video goes into detail about what happens in a baby’s body that allows them to breathe. Having this not-as-commonly-known knowledge will assist you to make an informed […]
Doctor Interview Questions
Questions for a doctor ‘interview’ Are you wondering what questions to ask your midwife or doctor interview? Below are possible things to consider for birth and what you may want to ask about. If you’re not looking to have hours of conversations each interview, pick what is most important to you from your birth preferences […]
Essential Items
As a doula and mother I get asked frequently, “What do I need to buy for Baby?” So below I’ve put together a few lists, the Absolute essentials, the essential items that will keep everyone comfortable, and the extras that may come in handy. Absolute Essential: Carseat Postpartum pads Vitamin D drops That is all and […]
Elimination Communication: Start in Dubai
Elimination Communication is the communication between caregiver(s) and baby on when the baby needs to eliminate. Layman’s terms is it’s catching all of baby’s urine and waste on a potty. Infant potty training is another term used but in my opinion it’s more ‘parent catching’ training when the baby is an infant. The idea behind […]
Delta Strength Doula care in Dubai
Welcome to Delta Strength Doula! I am a certified Birth Doula and attend births in Dubai. Why I care about labor support: Labor to most women in today’s western world is assumed to be an unpleasant experience that one must go through as a means to get their prized possession of a wonderful child. Learning there […]